All about Backbone.js


// To create a model class
var TodoItem = Backbone.Model.extend({});

// To create a model instance
var todoItem = new TodoItem(
    {description: 'Pick up milk', status: 'incomplete', id: 1}

// To get an attribute

// To set an attribute
todoItem.set({status: 'complete'});

// RESTful style
var TodoItem = Backbone.Model.extend({urlRoot: '/todos'});

// fetch todo with id=1
var todoItem = new TodoItem({id:1})
todoItem.fetch(); // GET /todos/1

// update the todo
todoItem.set({description: 'Pick up cookies.'});; // PUT /todos/1 with JSON params

// create new todo
var todoItem = new TodoItem();
todoItem.set({description: 'Fill prescription.'});; // POST /todos with JSON params
todoItem.get('id') // 2

// delete a todo
todoItem.destroy(); // DELETE /todos/2

// Get JSON from model

Model Event

// To listen for an event on a model
todoItem.on('event-name', function () {
    alert('event-name happend!');

// Run the event

// To listen for changes
var doThing = function () {
todoItem.on('change', doThing);

// event triggered on change
todoItem.set({description: 'Fill prescription.'});

// set without triggering event
todoItem.set({description: 'Fill prescription.'}, {silent: true});

// remove event listener'change', doThing);

Built-in model events

change when an attribute is modified
change:<attr> when <attr> is modified
destroy When a model is destroyed
sync Whenever successfully synced
error When model save or validation fails
all Any triggered event


// To create a view class
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
    render: function () {
        var html = '<h3>' + this.model.get('description') + '</h3>';

// To create a view instance
var todoView = new TodoView({model: todoItem});

console.log(todoView.el); // <div><h3>Pick up milk</h3></div>

// define a view class with tag name
var SimpleView = Backbone.View.extend({tagName: 'li'});
var simple = new SimpleView();
console.log(simpleView.el); // <li></li>

// with id and class
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: 'article',
    id: 'todo-view',
    className: 'todo'
var todoView = new TodoView();
console.log(todoView.el); // <article id="todo-view" class="todo"></article>

// to use a jQuery method like $.html()

// to user a template
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: _.template('<h3><%= description %></h3>'),
    render: function () {
        var attributes = this.model.toJSON();

View Event

var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
    events: {
        'click h3': 'alertStatus' // '<event> <selector>': '<method>', the <selector> should be inside the $el, if <selector> is not specified, the <method> could be trigged by the <event> on any element inside $el

    alertStatus: function (e) {
        alert('Hey you clicked the h3!');