All about Docker

$ docker version
$ docker search ubuntu  # search for ubuntu images
$ docker pull name/repo  # download image

$ docker run name/repo command  # run command in name/repo
$ docker run caibin/ubuntu echo 'test'
$ docker run caibin/ubuntu apt-get install ping  # install packages

$ docker ps -l  # list process

$ docker commit pid caibin/insist  # save new state to new image

$ docker inspect image_id  # display info about image

$ docker images  # show images on your host

$ docker build -t insist - < Dockerfile_insist


# Memcached
# VERSION       2.2

# use the ubuntu base image provided by dotCloud
FROM ubuntu

MAINTAINER Victor Coisne

# make sure the package repository is up to date
RUN echo "deb precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update

# install memcached
RUN apt-get install -y memcached

# Launch memcached when launching the container
ENTRYPOINT ["memcached"]

# run memcached as the daemon user
USER daemon

# expose memcached port
EXPOSE 11211